Chakana News (DEC, 23))

The Countdown to Xmas is on!


Gift your loved ones with a Chakana Voucher this year.
Available in-store and online from our website.
Or how about going that step further and gifting not just one Chakana experience, but one EVERY MONTH!
We have 6 or 12 month Chakana memberships available.
These allow for a treatment every month.. heaven!
Also, this year we are also customising Chakana Skincare product packs.
Reach out if you would like us create one for a loved one.
We specialise in getting skincare right!


Recently Mardi chatted with Michelle J Cox on her ‘One Question’ Podcast about our inner voice, and how we put a spotlight on it through our treatments and sound at Chakana.

With over 25 years of executive leadership, Michelle’s career boasts a wealth of in-depth experience in a variety of National and Global Executive roles across a range of industry sectors.

As well as a podcast host, Michelle is an author, board director and a very talented local ceramicist at Atelier 9 Studio in Nth Avalon
( and is passionate about our messy, imperfect selves.

The podcast is all about unlikely conversations on uncomfortable topics and covers many fascinating chats about weird and wonderful things. It’s all about finding beauty within imperfection. Right up Mardi’s alley!

If you have a spare 30min, it’s a great listen.


A few spaces still left for our last sound bath of the year. So if you have had that yearning, it will not disappoint.

“Last weekend I was treated to a Sound Bath experience at Chakana Day Spa on Sunday morning. It was an incredible 90 minutes that combined breath work, mediation and ancient sound healing into a cohesive whole, that left me feeling relaxed and refreshed.⁣

⁣Mardi is the consummate host and so gifted at looking after everyone in her care. She has a beautiful voice crossed between Feist and Mazzy Star. Wow.⁣” Belinda

Date – Sunday 17th Dec
Time – 10am – 11.30am
Cost – $120


Team Chakana recently spend a fabulous day together in robes ourselves.

Our bodies leaving all heaviness behind as we surrendered to the hands of another, and immersed ourselves in a day of blissful touch. We were massaged to heaven and back.

Walking our talk, we understand fundamentally ‘the power of touch.’ How profound it can be indeed.

Our skin is our largest organ, and would stretch roughly a hefty 2 metres if laid out. And when touched, our nervous system calms and our heartbeat slows down. Touch lowers blood pressure as well as cortisol and triggers the release of oxytocin, that wonderful feel good hormone.

Our bodies have about 5 million touch receptors beneath the skin. There to protect us, but also to gift us with the precious sense of touch.

Another’s hands upon our skin is imperative to the human experience. No baby thrives without it. Nor may we add, does any child or adult.

Touch is a universal language. And we here at Chakana, are passionate about it. Book yourself in today for some of its magic!


We will be closed for our annul break between Xmas and New Year. Doors close at 5pm Saturday 23rd Dec and will re-open Wednesday 5th January.

From all of us at Chakana, thanks again for supporting us all year. We wish you the most wonderful Xmas. And look forward to sharing 2024 with you all.

Take care and be kind to yourself, because you our dear and beautiful ones, are worth it!


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